
Sunday, 29 April 2012

Belief in a thing makes that thing happen.

The distance between a problem and its solution often depends on our ability to try. There are no standard methods to solve life’s problems, but the moment we choose to try we clinch our deal with success.

When John Roebling, Chief Engineer of Brooklyn Bridge, wanted to build the bridge, experts worldwide asked him to forget the idea because they considered it impossible. But both Roebling and his son Washington just would not give up! The project started well, but in a series of tragic accidents, Roebling passed away and Washington was incapacitated. Washington was not able to walk, talk or even move.

All he could do was to move one finger. Gradually, using his one finger, he developed a code of communication with his wife. He touched his wife’s arm with that finger, indicating his intention to call the engineers again. He used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. For thirteen years, he tapped out his instructions with his one finger, directing operations at the site, until the bridge was finally completed.

Washington’s inabilities did not deter him from following his dream. The reason the bridge stands today is because in the face of adversity he did not give up trying. His life teaches us that when we are going through a problem, or are not able to realize our dreams or achieve what we want, we don’t always have to do anything extraordinary…we just have to try harder!


© Anchit Barnwal

Saturday, 14 April 2012


There is something with the way you start your day, for it determines the way you will spend the rest of your day. I have often found that if you start your day on a happy note you are much likely to have a positive day ahead.

Morning time is a time when so many activities demand our attention in the shortest given time which makes it for the fastest moving period of the day. It often leads to unnecessary chaos and a tension filled life. If daily one goes through this amount of inconvenience, one can only imagine the pressure he is exposing himself to in his daily life. What’s the solution? The solution lies in simplifying and managing the things.

A good night’s sleep precedes our new day. It is essential that we take optimum sleep and get up at a pre-designated time. Morning activities can be planned in advance with a fixed time slot allotted to each activity so that we don’t feel any kind of strain in the morning. If we could set aside just fifteen minutes for ourselves in the morning, it would help us to rejuvenate and to be at ease with ourselves besides making us feel the calmness from within.  

The idea is to start your day in a good mood. Make those activities a part of your daily morning life which enhances your mood and make you feel happy. You may get up early to make time for those activities which are closer to your heart, like walking bare foot on grass, reading newspaper, listening to music, reading something inspirational or anything that gives you a sense of peace and happiness in the morning.

© Anchit Barnwal